Thursday, February 13, 2014

Friday Peace Vigil, Casa Grande, AZ, and surrounding area, February 14, 2014:

Friday, February 14, 2014
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
E. Cottonwood Ln. & N. Trekell Rd.

Peace Vigils are held every Friday from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. in Casa Grande from mid-December to mid-April. Come and stand for Peace! Bring a sign or a sign can be provided - and bring another peace activist. The more the merrier! Call Debbie Jordan (520-494-0437) or Tony Fasline (520-426-0070) for details.



Well, I finally blocked and got pictures of the hats I’ve made for the last several weeks. A little background here: I found the pattern online for a simple crocheted cap in the rainbow colors of the colors of the Gay Pride flag. Since we have friends in the LGBTIQ community, I decided to make a few of these, some for people who have cancer and are either gay or want to support a gay loved one. I also have a gay relative and want to make something for him and his partner.

The fashion colors in this cap are a bit off
from the basic rainbow colors of the
Gay Pride flag, but some people might
prefer them to the traditional colors.

When I started the first hat, I had only four of the six colors required, so I could only do so much before I had to go to the nearby Jo-Ann store to buy more. But when I scoured the yarn section, I couldn’t find any yarn in the ‘true’ colors I need for this particular project. I had to settle for ‘fashion’ colors, shades that aren’t quite the good old-fashioned basic colors to match those of the flag. Just to be able to do at least one full cap, I bought one of each of these fashion colors, then went home and went online to find that Red Heart still has traditional colors in the same yarn I used to buy years ago. So now I have enough yarn in the colors I want to make several hats before I have to order more.

This is my first attempt for a ladies cap.
I’ll make them in two sizes so
more people will have choices.

Now, it’s time for me to try a different theme and pattern for my next Cap for Cancer Patients and alternate that project with more writing. This is what we should all aspire to in our lives, to be productive and useful, contributing our best gifts to make life better for someone who is in need.

As always, I invite everyone to join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Meanwhile, send out your positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

The World I Imagine: A creative manual for ending poverty and building peace and my historical mystery novel, Lion’s Pride, are available through your local bookstore. They are featured at, Barnes & Noble, and most online bookstores around the world. Both are available for Kindle readers.

COMMENTS: The purpose of this blog is to share positive ideas for making changes that will help everyone, not just a narrow group of people. I’d love to hear more ideas for imprinting positive effects over a wide range of areas in our society.

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