Thursday, December 13, 2012

Friday Peace Vigil, Casa Grande, AZ, and surrounding area:

Friday, December 14, 2012
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
N. Pinal Ave. & E. Kortsen Rd.

Tony Fasline (520-426-0070) will hold his weekly Peace Vigil this Friday, December 14, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the corner of N. Pinal Ave. & E. Kortsen Rd. in Casa Grande, AZ. Tony invites anyone who is interested in showing their support for ending conflict in the world to join him. Hold out positive thoughts for that!


This week:


I’m absolutely delighted to post this announcement that our peace-loving friends are back from their summer sojourn in Ohio. As long as Tony continues his faithful Friday afternoon vigils on various street corners around town, I’ll happily post notices of both the Casa Grande vigils and the ones that continue to be held each Friday afternoon in and around Youngstown.

Now, here’s a challenge to our neighbors who love peace: When I’m able, I hope to join Tony, and I’ll bring along my husband, Jim, as well. I can’t promise much, but I’ll do what I can. Meanwhile, I’ll keep you updated on where Tony will be each week and hope that you will also plan to stand with Tony and let people know that war is an outdated custom that we must eradicate from the planet.

If you’d like to find out more about the vigils and the cause of peace, feel free to call Tony at 520-426-0070. He’s a really nice guy and very easy to talk to. And he has a lot of experience over many years standing up for and helping people in need.

Join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Meanwhile, send out your positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

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