Monday, December 30, 2013

Pardons, Pardons of Innocence, and Exonerations: Whither Constitutional Rights?

For three years in the 1960s I was married to a man with a larcenous heart, but his family considered me the ‘bad guy,’ especially when I finally divorced him. But more than a year later he was finally ‘outed’ when he was arrested for bank robbery and kidnaping.

This was the first case I’d ever heard of in which a gang kidnaped a bank manager’s family so they could force him to open the bank and give them the money. It turned out they were extremely lucky: During their first week in county jail, the federal government removed the automatic death sentence that had been imposed on kidnapers since the notorious 1932 Lindbergh baby kidnaping.

My ex ended up serving two years in federal prison for his crimes. The only time I saw him after our divorce, he proudly explained in typical arrogant fashion how he and his three accomplices had pulled off the heist. Some years later, I learned that his well-connected family got him a presidential pardon, though there was no question of his guilt.

Perhaps that experience is the reason I don’t like hearing about pardons for people who didn’t commit crimes for which they were convicted or were convicted of breaking laws that violated their constitutional rights. Rarely do those judicial decisions indicate any clear distinction between innocence or guilt.

In chapters 10 and 11 of
The World I Imagine: A creative manual
for ending poverty and building peace,
I discuss creative ideas for improving the
justice system and ensuring civil rights for all.


That’s why I wasn’t particularly excited when posthumous pardons were finally granted this year to the "Scottsboro boys," nine young black men who were falsely accused of rape in Alabama in 1931. They could have received pardons as early as 1938, but Alabama Governor Bibb Graves withdrew his offer when they refused to admit any guilt for the crimes they did not commit. The case did focus massive media attention on racial inequities and led to two landmark Supreme Court decisions that forced some improvements to Jim Crow-era judicial systems.

But the end of those unconstitutional laws in southern states did not end legal discrimination in most of the country. One of the last official acts of outgoing North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue was to grant a "pardon of innocence" to each member of the "Wilmington 10," nine black men and one white woman who were falsely convicted in 1972 of firebombing a Wilmington grocery store. Their convictions were overturned more than 30 years ago, but their experience still had a devastating effect on the lives of most of those men.

So far, Texas is the only other state to grant a "pardon of innocence" to people who become ensnared in the legal system through no fault of their own. On the other hand, a person can be exonerated when evidence submitted to the court after their conviction demonstrates they didn’t commit the crime. Their cases differ from those in which factors such as racial bias or judicial misconduct lead to unfair convictions.

The term ‘pardon of innocence’ does seem to be an improvement over the traditional pardon that can be conferred upon anyone previously convicted of a crime, whether they were guilty or not. But all these legal designations are inappropriate in the case of a person convicted of violating a law that was later repealed because the statute violated the person’s civil rights, such as England’s 1952 conviction of Alan Turing for "gross indecency."

The mathematical genius helped develop modern computer programming, and his code-breaking skills were an essential element in the Allied victory in World War II. But in 1952, he was convicted of a crime because he was gay. Turing chose castration over imprisonment, but two years later his lifelong depression, intensified by the unfair sentence, led to his suicide. Fast forward to the present and homosexual sex has not been a crime in the U.K. for many years. But it wasn’t until this month that Great Britain belatedly issued an official pardon clearing Turing of all crimes and restoring his good name.

The United States is not immune to such legal crimes, especially since most laws governing private relationships and behavior are administered on a state-by-state basis.. In 1967, Loving v. Virginia brought about full national recognition of interracial marriages, and gay sex was illegal in many states until 2003 when the Supreme Court declared in Lawrence v. Texas that laws against sodomy were unconstitutional.

Yet while Windsor v. United States finally negated the misnamed Defense of Marriage Act and allowed federal recognition of all legally married same-sex couples, many states still prohibit gays and lesbians from entering into such unions within their borders. That won’t change until one of many cases now winding their way through lower courts finally reaches the judicial pinnacle and the Supreme Court upholds every person’s right to be legally bound with the person they love.

All these cases demonstrate the need for separate terms to indicate each point on the spectrum of guilt or innocence, and fairness or rights violations. After thinking about the issue, the closest I’ve come to a solution would be to add a legal designation to the lexicon: Exoneration due to Violation of Rights. Of course, I’m sure that if a panel of attorneys were to consider the possibilities, they could coin an appropriate phrase that will no doubt be longer and more complex than mine.

So, in all humility (which usually means the opposite), I propose a competition that will be open to anyone who can devise a brand new legal category indicating the person has been screwed over by Lady Justice and deserves a crack at getting satisfaction. Okay, all you Barrister Brains, go for it!



The World I Imagine: A creative manual for ending poverty and building peace and my historical mystery novel, Lion’s Pride, are available through your local bookstore. They are featured at, Barnes & Noble, and most online bookstores around the world. Both are available for Kindle readers.


Thursday, December 26, 2013

Friday Peace Vigil, Casa Grande, AZ, and surrounding area, December 27, 2013:

Friday, December 27, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
W. Cottonwood Ln.. & N. Pinal Ave.

Peace Vigils are held every Friday from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. in Casa Grande from mid-December to mid-April. Come and stand for Peace! Bring a sign or a sign can be provided - and bring another peace activist. The more the merrier! Call Debbie Jordan (520-494-0437) or Tony Fasline (520-426-0070) for details.


Now that Christmas is over, we come to the observance that I admire and love most of all. Yes, today, December 26, is Boxing Day in many parts of the world, but that’s not what I’m talking about. The observance of Kwanzaa, in which people honor the vital principles of strong community values, is much more important to reaching the goals of ending poverty and building a peaceful world than the rituals of all other holidays of the year, including Christmas. I know December 25 is supposed to be about the birth of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, but excessive materialism and the spirit of overindulgence in everything from food and drink to greed has all but destroyed the true spirit of the occasion.

In many African-American households and communities, Kwanzaa is observed from the day after Christmas through the first day of the New Year. I believe that spending the final week of each year discussing the meaning and importance of Unity, Self-Determination, Collective Work and Responsibility, Cooperative Economics, Purpose, Creativity, and Faith (in more than just religion) can be a positive way to welcome the New Year. So, for every person who is about to begin this wonderful seven-day journey, I wish you a very Happy Kwanzaa.

Meanwhile, I hope that everyone is wise enough to enjoy a safe and sane New Year.

As always, I invite everyone to join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Meanwhile, send out your positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

The World I Imagine: A creative manual for ending poverty and building peace and my historical mystery novel, Lion’s Pride, are available through your local bookstore. They are featured at, Barnes & Noble, and most online bookstores around the world. Both are available for Kindle readers.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Economists finally catching up with Peace Author

One of the bigger stories to blow up the holiday news bubble this week was the fact that consumers are spending less this year than retailers hoped they would. Along with that bit of dismal economia comes the Associated Press survey of economists who finally admit that the expanding income gap resulting from the malicious (my word) policies of the conservative power bloc hurts the economy and is slowing the long hoped-for recovery.

Well, duh.

I’ve been saying and writing about that very condition for years. More than two years ago, on August 2, 2011, I covered this issue in my article in this blog entitled "Rewarding the Rich at the Expense of the Poor and Middle Class: Bad economics, bad citizenship."

Even better, that fact is the gist of my essay on "The Price of Poverty" in Chapter 12, "Poverty and Politics," of my essay collection, The World I Imagine: A creative manual for ending poverty and building peace. In fact, all the essays in that chapter touch on the problems caused by the perpetuation of unemployment and generational poverty. In addition, The World I Imagine is a virtual trove of creative solutions to the problem of poverty in our society.

It’s interesting to note that in early spring of 2004, I wrote the first essay in my Imagine series as a newspaper column detailing the natural cause-and-effect relationship between poverty and conflict. I eventually published those collected essays as The World I Imagine in 2008. Since I was so far ahead of the curve in recognizing the dangers of conservative policies that have slowly but steadily ravaged the world economy for most of the last three decades, readers are certain to find inspiration for their own creative solutions by reading about the many positive things we all need to do to rebuild the economy that are discussed in this book.

Throughout The World I Imagine, I explain innovative ways we can develop and implement education and job training programs for everyone to the extent of their abilities and interests and match them to various jobs that are needed to run a successful economic system. More than that, everyone must understand that the powers-that-be must ensure that all basic goods and services necessary for a dignified existence are available to everyone at a cost of no more than half the amount the lowest-paid full-time worker is able to earn. That economic policy would ensure that no one is forced to subsist in a state of poverty and everyone will have at least a little more than just the basics and, thus, some measure of choice in their lives.

If such a system were ever implemented, if everyone earned enough money to do at least a little better than merely survive, businesses would thrive. If everyone was able to benefit at least to a small degree from a growing and successful economy, everyone would contribute their efforts to a steadily growing economy and no one would be considered an unnecessary drain on ever-dwindling resources of a bankrupt country. If everyone were able to enjoy at least a small part of the resulting prosperity, then poverty would disappear entirely.

While economists, corporate executives, and politicians continue to focus on the negative policies and keep on repeating the same old mistakes that got us into this mess, I’ll continue to concentrate on positive win-win-win ideas that could eventually pull all of us out of this mess. That is my dream for the future in The World I Imagine.

The World I Imagine: A creative manual for ending poverty and building peace and my historical mystery novel, Lion’s Pride, are available through your local bookstore. They are featured on most online bookstores throughout the world, including and Barnes & Noble, and both are available for Kindle readers.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Friday Peace Vigil, Casa Grande, AZ, and surrounding area, December 20, 2013:

Friday, December 20, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
W. Kortsen Rd.. & N. Pinal Ave.

Peace Vigils are held every Friday from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. in Casa Grande from mid-December to mid-April. Come and stand for Peace! Bring a sign or a sign can be provided - and bring another peace activist. The more the merrier! Call Debbie Jordan (520-494-0437) or Tony Fasline (520-426-0070) for details.


It has been several months since I’ve posted anything here. While my dear peace-loving friend Tony Fasline was enjoying his summer sojourn in northern climes, no one was standing vigil in Casa Grande to espouse peace and other worthwhile causes. During most of that time, I’ve focused my time and energy toward matters unrelated to this venue.

For a couple of months I tried to get a little more organized around our house. I have made small dents in the piles of superfluous flotsam haunting my domain, but the job is ongoing, eternal. I’ll keep chipping away at the chaos, a bit at a time, whenever I can do so.

Then there’s our long-term problem trying to find a responsible tenant to rent one of our duplex units. We absolutely adore our other tenants. They’re honest and dependable. We want them to stay as long as they enjoy the accommodations, and we try to do everything in our power to ensure they do. In the past some great tenants have occupied the now-empty apartment, but for a couple of years, people who seemed okay at first turned out to be renters from hell. We’ll keep looking though. We can’t afford not to.

While the aforementioned issues demanded too much of my energy for too many months, I recently broke through a case of writer’s block and am once again working on Two Worlds, a novel which will serve as a companion to my essay collection, The World I Imagine: A creative manual for ending poverty and building peace. My story will dramatize the gulf between a community in which the residents actively apply principles discussed in my essays to the conflict and chaos that naturally arise when people fear change. My story emphasizes the benefits of a society in which everyone respects the basic rights of every other human being.

Now that Tony is back in town and plans to continue his Friday afternoon peace vigils through mid-April, I’ll do my best to post weekly notices of his schedule here, along with these personal messages. In the meantime, I wish for a Merry Christmas to all who celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, and a Happy Kwanzaa and a Blessed Epiphany to all those who choose to observe either or both of those special days. I also hope that everyone is wise enough to enjoy a safe and sane New Year.

As always, I invite everyone to join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Meanwhile, send out your positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Perry pans Bee cartoon

Pity poor put-upon Perry.

That’s Governor Rick of the far-right leaning Lone Star State.

When Sacramento Bee political cartoonist Jack Ohman satirized the link between Perry’s disdain for regulations and the catastrophic explosion at the West Fertilizer Company plant, the governor declared it an insult to the multitude of victims in the town of West, Texas.

Perry is upset that the cartoon appeared on the very day he attended the public memorial with President Barack Obama, the man whose support for rules protecting people like the citizens of West led plant managers to avoid reporting their dangerous practices to the federal Environmental Protection Agency.


  • The Republican Party considers itself the ‘party of personal responsibility.’
  • GOP loyalists loudly tout the infamous Citizens United decision by the right-leaning U.S. Supreme Court that ‘corporations are people.’

Conclusion: Corporations must assume the same responsibility for their actions that Republicans expect from people--the actual human ones, that is.

But, No-o-o. When it comes to responsibility, conservatives refuse to acknowledge even the slightest possibility that there could be something called ‘corporate responsibility.’

Sorry, Governor Perry, but you can’t have it both ways. People or not, corporations must pay full restitution to every single person and business whose life, health, property, and income is damaged as a result of their dangerous policies.

After all, the GOP also claims to be the law-and-order party. If the law compels individuals to pay for any damage they do, then we must, in all fairness, expect a similar result when a company does the same.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Friday Peace Vigil, Youngstown, OH, and surrounding area:

Friday, April 19, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.)

Ray Nakley (330-506-1999) and Ron Dull (330-518-9881) will hold their weekly Peace Vigil this Friday, April 19, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the corner of Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.), Youngstown, OH. They invite anyone who is interested in showing their support for ending conflict in the world to join them. Hold out positive thoughts for that!


As I write this, Tony Fasline is busy making last-minute preparations to spread his ‘snowbird wings’ and ‘soar’ back to his cold northern home in Youngstown. He promises that, after his return to Yankee-land, he’ll send me a complete update on activities to promote peace and prosperity in the Youngstown area.

Meanwhile, Tony assures me that each Friday, at least a few people gather at the above location is downtown Youngstown to protest the traditions of war and poverty. Among other things, he’s led me to sign up for newsletters from the Dorothy Day House, which serves as the center of social service activity in the Youngstown area. By this time next week, I will not only have news from Tony, but I’ll have had a chance to read some of the news in the Dorothy Day House newsletter.

Meanwhile, you can sign up for those newsletters too. Just go to:

Scroll to the bottom of the home page to share your email address with them and receive updates from them.

Reports from Youngstown indicate these Friday afternoon vigils are well attended by people standing for peace and many other social causes, and there’s plenty of room for more. If you want to make a public statement to end war, poverty, and/or any other of numerous social ills, feel free to join this group, with or without your own sign to share your thoughts about social justice with the world.

Meanwhile, join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Friday Peace Vigil, Casa Grande, AZ, and surrounding area:

Friday, April 12, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
E. Cottonwood Ln. & N. Pinal Ave.

Peace Vigils are held every Friday from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. in Casa Grande from mid-December to mid-April. Come and stand for Peace! Bring a sign or a sign can be provided - and bring another peace activist. The more the merrier! Call Debbie Jordan (520-494-0437) or Tony Fasline (520-426-0070) for details.



Sadly, this week’s vigil will be Tony’s last for this season in the warm Arizona desert. Shortly thereafter, he’ll be spreading his ‘snowbird’ wings to ‘fly’ away from us back to cold northern Ohio, there to continue the work of standing for peace and offering support and hope to the downtrodden and the poor. But he promises to return to us in late fall. Meanwhile, he’ll continue to keep me updated on activities in Youngstown throughout the summer, and I’ll post them here on a regular basis, as I always have.

I’m delighted to report that I’m finally back to writing, albeit slowly, on my novel, Two Worlds. Still plugging away on Chapter 4, but at least when I reread the first three chapters, I was happy with what I’d already done, especially after I added another almost full page of conversation to the second chapter. Next, I’m going to email copies of those first three chapters to a select group of readers to get their opinions, while I continue to plug away at the book. I’m also going to try to squeeze in a few articles for this blog, so my creative brain is pumping, at least on a couple of cylinders.

I’m still facing four eye appointments over the next four weeks and have to squeeze in a date with my dentist in the next couple of weeks. After May 6, I should be done with my spring spate of medical treatments. From that point on, I hope to be much more creatively productive. Positive thoughts for that miracle, please!

Join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Meanwhile, send out your positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Friday Peace Vigil, Youngstown, OH, and surrounding area:

Friday, April 12, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.)

Ray Nakley (330-506-1999) and Ron Dull (330-518-9881) will hold their weekly Peace Vigil this Friday, April 12, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the corner of Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.), Youngstown, OH. They invite anyone who is interested in showing their support for ending conflict in the world to join them. Hold out positive thoughts for that!


Reports from Youngstown indicate these Friday afternoon vigils are well attended by people standing for peace and many other social causes, and there’s plenty of room for more. If you want to make a public statement to end war, poverty, and/or any other of numerous social ills, feel free to join this group, with or without your own sign to share your thoughts about social justice with the world.

Meanwhile, join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Friday Peace Vigil, Casa Grande, AZ, and surrounding area:

Friday, April 5, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
E. Cottonwood Ln. & N. Casa Grande Ave.

Peace Vigils are held every Friday from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. in Casa Grande from mid-December to mid-April. Come and stand for Peace! Bring a sign or a sign can be provided - and bring another peace activist. The more the merrier! Call Debbie Jordan (520-494-0437) or Tony Fasline (520-426-0070) for details.



It happens every spring: The start of baseball season (YAY!) and a string of doctors’ visits (bummer). This year has been especially troublesome with regard to the latter issue. What I’d hoped would be a single eye exam has led to four more weekly appointments scheduled into the first week of May. Fortunately, the Arizona Diamondbacks and Atlanta Braves, our two favorite teams, are already two-and-one in the win-loss columns, a promising beginning to the 2013 MLB season.

Meanwhile, tomorrow I’ll finish up my last task to get my retired husband on track to become more useful around the house so I can get back to doing more of my own writing. Every spouse of a retired guy knows what I’m talking about; no need to go into further detail here. That means I should be able to deliver a more positive report on my own work next week, so be sure to check back then.

Join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Meanwhile, send out your positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Friday Peace Vigil, Youngstown, OH, and surrounding area:

Friday, April 5, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.)

Ray Nakley (330-506-1999) and Ron Dull (330-518-9881) will hold their weekly Peace Vigil this Friday, April 5, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the corner of Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.), Youngstown, OH. They invite anyone who is interested in showing their support for ending conflict in the world to join them. Hold out positive thoughts for that!


Reports from Youngstown indicate these Friday afternoon vigils are well attended by people standing for peace and many other social causes, and there’s plenty of room for more. If you want to make a public statement to end war, poverty, and/or any other of numerous social ills, feel free to join this group, with or without your own sign to share your thoughts about social justice with the world.

Meanwhile, join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Friday Peace Vigil, Casa Grande, AZ, and surrounding area:

Friday, March 29, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
E. Cottonwood Ln. & N. Trekell Rd.

Peace Vigils are held every Friday from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. in Casa Grande from mid-December to mid-April. Come and stand for Peace! Bring a sign or a sign can be provided - and bring another peace activist. The more the merrier! Call Debbie Jordan (520-494-0437) or Tony Fasline (520-426-0070) for details.



Now that I’ve maneuvered the annual gauntlet of tax calculations and forms, I’ve run smack dab into my annual string of medical appointments. No matter how carefully I try to plan for this time of year, it always seems to happen like this.

When you consider that in 2009, my spring medical marathon was bisected by a nearly three-day stay in the ICU, I won’t complain about what will eventually be a three-month string of office visits and outpatient treatments with four different medical professionals. The best thing I can say is, the worst should be over by mid-May. Then I can finally focus more seriously on that writing project I keep talking about. Truly, I will get to it. Just a few more weeks!

Join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Meanwhile, send out your positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Friday Peace Vigil, Youngstown, OH, and surrounding area:

Friday, March 29, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.)

Ray Nakley (330-506-1999) and Ron Dull (330-518-9881) will hold their weekly Peace Vigil this Friday, March 29, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the corner of Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.), Youngstown, OH. They invite anyone who is interested in showing their support for ending conflict in the world to join them. Hold out positive thoughts for that!


Reports from Youngstown indicate these Friday afternoon vigils are well attended by people standing for peace and many other social causes, and there’s plenty of room for more. If you want to make a public statement to end war, poverty, and/or any other of numerous social ills, feel free to join this group, with or without your own sign to share your thoughts about social justice with the world.

Meanwhile, join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Friday Peace Vigil, Casa Grande, AZ, and surrounding area:

Friday, March 22, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
E. Florence Blvd. & N. Trekell Rd.

Peace Vigils are held every Friday from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. in Casa Grande from mid-December to mid-April. Come and stand for Peace! Bring a sign or a sign can be provided - and bring another peace activist. The more the merrier! Call Debbie Jordan (520-494-0437) or Tony Fasline (520-426-0070) for details.



Last week, I was finally able to join Tony for his Friday afternoon vigil, for the first time all winter, along with my ever-faithful chauffeur and partner, Jim. Even better, we were doubly blessed that Laura McCoy was able to join us as well.

Back in fall 2011, Laura and her identical twin sister, Leta Hughes, were the sole local ‘occupiers’ representing the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement in our fair city of Casa Grande. Despite the numbers of huge demonstrations around the country, the editors of USA Today considered the sisters’ determination so special that they reprinted an article Melissa St. Aude wrote about them for the Casa Grande Dispatch. Sadly, Leta has since passed on, but with my help, Tony recently connected with Laura. Now he brings her out to the vigils whenever she’s up to it.

Jim took advantage of the event to snap the following pictures, but the middle one is the only one in which all three of us were caught behaving at the same time. You can see we were definitely having a good time doing good work for the future of the planet and the hope for a life of prosperity and peace for all people around the globe.


Left to right: Debbie Jordan, Tony Fasline, Laura Hughes,
holding weekly vigil for peace,
Casa Grande, AZ, March 15, 2013.
(Photo by Jim Jordan)


Join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Meanwhile, send out your positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Friday Peace Vigil, Youngstown, OH, and surrounding area:

Friday, March 22, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.)

Ray Nakley (330-506-1999) and Ron Dull (330-518-9881) will hold their weekly Peace Vigil this Friday, March 22, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the corner of Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.), Youngstown, OH. They invite anyone who is interested in showing their support for ending conflict in the world to join them. Hold out positive thoughts for that!


Reports from Youngstown indicate these Friday afternoon vigils are well attended by people standing for peace and many other social causes, and there’s plenty of room for more. If you want to make a public statement to end war, poverty, and/or any other of numerous social ills, feel free to join this group, with or without your own sign to share your thoughts about social justice with the world.

Meanwhile, join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Death Penalty Alternatives Meeting, Casa Grande, AZ:

Monday, March 18, 2013
7:00 p.m.
Val Vista RV Park Clubhouse
16680 W. Val Vista Blvd.

The Pinal County chapter of Death Penalty Alternatives for Arizona meets at 7:00 p.m. on the third Monday of each month. The next meeting will be held on Monday, March 18, at the clubhouse at Val Vista RV Park, 16680 W. Val Vista Blvd. For more information, call Joan Bundy at 480-721-3832, or email her at: Or call Tony Fasline at 520-426-0070, or email him at:

The DPAA Facebook page is at:



Join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society in which governments do not kill for revenge, a society without poverty or war, and one in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Meanwhile, send out your positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Friday Peace Vigil, Casa Grande, AZ, and surrounding area:

Friday, March 15, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
E. Florence Blvd. & N. Colorado St.

Peace Vigils are held every Friday from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. in Casa Grande from mid-December to mid-April. Come and stand for Peace! Bring a sign or a sign can be provided - and bring another peace activist. The more the merrier! Call Debbie Jordan (520-494-0437) or Tony Fasline (520-426-0070) for details.


This week:


Yes, I’m happy to say I finally managed to focus my brain long enough to complete that onerous annual spring task. So from here on, I can turn my attention to far more pleasant activities. Until next year! Ah, well.

Fortunately, I’ve made many detailed notes that will enable me to dive back into my novel, which means by next week, I should report progress in that department, as well as other areas of my real life. Stay tuned!

Meanwhile, as many of you know, I wanted to include the photo below as part of last week’s vigil announcement, but I had to wait till I could learn how to make the picture upload in the file right-side up. That’s why I ended up posting it separately a couple of hours later that same day. But I did want to pin the image to the weekly vigil notice, because it was the tool that brought Tony and Glenn together from such disparate places in the country. So, as promised, here are two of the three peace lovers who reminded the residents of our fair city of the need to eradicate war and poverty from our society:

Glenn Gable, right, of the San Francisco Bay area
joins Tony Fasline for his regular Friday afternoon
vigil for peace in Casa Grande, AZ, March 1, 2013.
(photo by Krissy Gable)
Join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Meanwhile, send out your positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Friday Peace Vigil, Youngstown, OH, and surrounding area:

Friday, March 15, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.)

Ray Nakley (330-506-1999) and Ron Dull (330-518-9881) will hold their weekly Peace Vigil this Friday, March 15, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the corner of Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.), Youngstown, OH. They invite anyone who is interested in showing their support for ending conflict in the world to join them. Hold out positive thoughts for that!


Reports from Youngstown indicate these Friday afternoon vigils are well attended by people standing for peace and many other social causes, and there’s plenty of room for more. If you want to make a public statement to end war, poverty, and/or any other of numerous social ills, feel free to join this group, with or without your own sign to share your thoughts about social justice with the world.

Meanwhile, join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Thursday, March 7, 2013


I fiddled around with the photo that the Gables sent of Tony Fasline and Glenn Gable, and discovered that Photoshop Elements allows me to turn the picture right-side up and post it here and on Facebook. So, now I'm going to rely on Photoshop and stop wasting time with PhotoImpact. Don't know why I didn't try it before, since I've had it on my computer for nearly two years. Just too timid about trying new stuff. Gotta be braver from now on!

Glenn Gable, right, of the San Francisco Bay area joins Tony Fasline
for his regular Friday afternoon vigil for peace in
Casa Grande, AZ, March 1, 2013.
(photo by Krissy Gable)
Krissy has promised to send photos and reports of the peace doings in their neck of the woods. I'm looking forward to it. When she does, I'll share the details with everyone here, so stay tuned!

Friday Peace Vigil, Casa Grande, AZ, and surrounding area:

Friday, March 8, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
E. Florence Blvd. & N. Peart Rd.

Peace Vigils are held every Friday from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. in Casa Grande from mid-December to mid-April. Come and stand for Peace! Bring a sign or a sign can be provided - and bring another peace activist. The more the merrier! Call Debbie Jordan (520-494-0437) or Tony Fasline (520-426-0070) for details.


This week:

I’m now about halfway through my annual battle with the tax return. Not doing too badly, so far. Each year I learn a little more about using technology to simplify the process, while still holding some tasks out for me to do the old-fashioned way. Even so, I double-check a lot of things that the machine does first, just to make sure it’s all correct. In the end, any problem is my responsibility, so I shouldn’t just try to blame it on the computer. But I sure am happy to have 21st-century ‘toys’ to make things so much easier for me than they used to be!

At the same time, I’m teaching Jim about all these accounting tasks I’ve been taking care of for nearly half a century. Boy, does he owe me big! Just a personal note for anybody whose partner does that job so they don’t have to worry so much about it: Be sure to give them a big hug and Thank You at your earliest opportunity, ‘cause it sure ain’t easy!

Meanwhile, Krissy and Glenn Gable of San Francisco were able to join Tony for his vigil last Friday. Krissy took a great picture of Tony and Glenn for posterity, but it arrived on its side, and though I turned it right-side up in PhotoImpact, it keeps coming up sideways in this blog and on Facebook, and I can’t find any functions to turn it in those venues. I’ll try a few more tricks and see if I can get it to behave so I can post it here and on Facebook soon.

If anyone can tell me how to correct the problem directly on Google blog and/or Facebook, please pass the tip on to me at: It’s always helpful to expand one’s knowledge and a real gift to be able to avoid frustration in the future!

Incidentally, we love it when people from other parts of the country find us here in our little corner of the southern desert and join us when they come for the fantastic winter weather and/or spring baseball games. There’s a lot to be enjoyed here, and we welcome anybody who wants to come out to stand for an end to conflict, poverty, injustice, or whatever your favorite cause is Welcome to all!

Join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Meanwhile, send out your positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Friday Peace Vigil, Youngstown, OH, and surrounding area:

Friday, March 8, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.)

Ray Nakley (330-506-1999) and Ron Dull (330-518-9881) will hold their weekly Peace Vigil this Friday, March 8, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the corner of Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.), Youngstown, OH. They invite anyone who is interested in showing their support for ending conflict in the world to join them. Hold out positive thoughts for that!


Reports from Youngstown indicate these Friday afternoon vigils are well attended by people standing for peace and many other social causes, and there’s plenty of room for more. If you want to make a public statement to end war, poverty, and/or any other of numerous social ills, feel free to join this group, with or without your own sign to share your thoughts about social justice with the world.

Meanwhile, join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Friday Peace Vigil, Casa Grande, AZ, and surrounding area:

Friday, March 1, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
E. Florence Blvd. & N. Arizola Rd.

Peace Vigils are held every Friday from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. in Casa Grande from mid-December to mid-April. Come and stand for Peace! Bring a sign or a sign can be provided - and bring another peace activist. The more the merrier! Call Debbie Jordan (520-494-0437) or Tony Fasline (520-426-0070) for details.


This week:

After weeks of taking care of so many nit-picky little tasks in my life, I’ve finally reached the point where I’m facing only the final major annual task, the Big Spring Finale: Taxes! All I can say is: Thank you, Lord, for inventing Quicken just for me! (What? You don’t believe She performed that technological miracle just for my sake? Well, everybody’s entitled to their own belief system. And you can be sure, I do believe!)

The upshot is, sometime in March, I hope to be able to start spending some part of each day working on my own writing again. It’s been weeks, and I really miss that part of my life. But very soon I’ll be back to discussing the reasons that poverty and war are so interconnected and some of the creative ways that we can begin to work on ending these terrible traditions, at least from the grassroots level. After all, that’s how all great movements begin.

Join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Meanwhile, send out your positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Friday Peace Vigil, Youngstown, OH, and surrounding area:

Friday, March 1, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.)

Ray Nakley (330-506-1999) and Ron Dull (330-518-9881) will hold their weekly Peace Vigil this Friday, March 1, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the corner of Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.), Youngstown, OH. They invite anyone who is interested in showing their support for ending conflict in the world to join them. Hold out positive thoughts for that!


Reports from Youngstown indicate these Friday afternoon vigils are well attended by people standing for peace and many other social causes, and there’s plenty of room for more. If you want to make a public statement to end war, poverty, and/or any other of numerous social ills, feel free to join this group, with or without your own sign to share your thoughts about social justice with the world.

Meanwhile, join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Death Penalty Alternatives for Arizona First Annual Meeting, Tempe, Az:

Saturday, March 2, 2013
8:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Armstrong Hall/Arizona State University
E. Orange St & S. McAllister Ave.
Keynote: Gary L. Stuart
Carpool available from Casa Grande

The first annual meeting of the newly formed Death Penalty Alternatives for Arizona (DPAA) will be held on Saturday, March 2nd, 2013, from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. at Armstrong Hall at Arizona State University in Tempe (SW corner of East Orange Street and South McAllister Avenue). Keynote speaker Gary L. Stuart will discuss his latest of six books, Innocent Until Interrogated, the true story of the Buddhist Temple massacre in western Phoenix on Aug. 10, 1991, in which five innocent men confessed under intense interrogation. Here is the website for more information:

If you sign up to attend the annual meeting, the cost includes membership in DPAA for the entire year. Admission is $25 per person, $35 per couple or $10 for students. A carpool will leave from Casa Grande at 8 a.m. If you’d like to ride along, please contact Joan Bundy at 480-463-4600.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday Peace Vigil, Casa Grande, AZ, and surrounding area:

Friday, February 22, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
E. McMurray Blvd. & N. Arizola Rd.

Peace Vigils are held every Friday from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. in Casa Grande from mid-December to mid-April. Come and stand for Peace! Bring a sign or a sign can be provided - and bring another peace activist. The more the merrier! Call Debbie Jordan (520-494-0437) or Tony Fasline (520-426-0070) for details.


This week:

I guess I’ve just been so busy that I didn’t see my Thursday/Friday deadline creeping up on me, and I almost missed letting everybody know about Tony’s vigil this week. But at least I am getting some cleaning up and clearing out done around my ‘cave’ this week, so it’s all to the good. Maybe one day I’ll actually be ‘organized,’ and I won’t have to think about anything but writing. And maybe I’ll actually see world peace in my lifetime!

Actually, if I had my ‘druthers,’ I’ll take the world peace. But organized would be nice too. Anyway, I hope somebody out there reads this notice one of these weeks and joins Tony for a Friday vigil, and maybe when the weather gets warm enough and I’m up to it, I’ll be out there too. Watch for that miracle too!

Join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Meanwhile, send out your positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Friday Peace Vigil, Youngstown, OH, and surrounding area:

Friday, February 22, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.)

Ray Nakley (330-506-1999) and Ron Dull (330-518-9881) will hold their weekly Peace Vigil this Friday, February 22, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the corner of Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.), Youngstown, OH. They invite anyone who is interested in showing their support for ending conflict in the world to join them. Hold out positive thoughts for that!


Reports from Youngstown indicate these Friday afternoon vigils are well attended by people standing for peace and many other social causes, and there’s plenty of room for more. If you want to make a public statement to end war, poverty, and/or any other of numerous social ills, feel free to join this group, with or without your own sign to share your thoughts about social justice with the world.

Meanwhile, join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Death Penalty Alternatives Meeting, Casa Grande, AZ:

Monday, February 18, 2013
7:00 p.m.
Val Vista RV Park Clubhouse
16680 W. Val Vista Blvd.

The newly formed Pinal County chapter of Death Penalty Alternatives for Arizona will meet at 7:00 p.m. on the third Monday of each month, beginning on Monday, February 18, at the clubhouse at Val Vista RV Park, 16680 W. Val Vista Blvd. For more information, go to:



I must take this opportunity to share a few ideas I discussed in my essay collection, The World I Imagine: A creative manual for ending poverty and building peace. Chapter 10 consists of five essays detailing what it would be like if "True Justice" were practiced in our society, including applying alternatives to the death penalty. In the essay on "Ultimate Crimes," I explain why the only reason states practice execution is revenge.

Throughout the book, I explain why the only way we can look forward to a future without war and violence will be to end poverty, as well as the practice of putting people to death. Reaching those goals requires that we understand the complicated relationships between social issues and the solutions we apply to each problem.

We must make sure everything we do protects and reinforces the right of every person to education and employment to the fullest extent of their abilities and interests, and that nothing we do as a society endangers the health and safety of anyone in the world. It sounds complicated, but if we approach the problem by respecting these basic principles, we can accomplish miracles!

Join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society in which governments do not kill for revenge, a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Meanwhile, send out your positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Friday Peace Vigil, Casa Grande, AZ, and surrounding area:

Friday, February 15, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
E. McMurray Blvd. & N. Trekell Rd.

Tony Fasline (520-426-0070) will hold his weekly Peace Vigil this Friday, February 15, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the corner of E. McMurray Blvd. & N. Trekell Rd. in Casa Grande, AZ. Tony invites anyone who is interested in showing their support for ending conflict in the world to join him. Hold out positive thoughts for that!


This week:

Well, I’m still buried in everything except what I would really prefer to be doing, which is ignoring everything else as I focus completely on my writing. Ah, well. A wise person once said, Life is what happens while you’re making other plans.

On the other hand, I’m making progress on my annual financial marathon, organizing files as I switch from 2012 to 2013, readying things for taxes, and something we should do more often than we even both to think about: organizing our major financial planning for a better future during Jim’s retirement years. All you young people should get started on that task now, if you haven’t already. Your ‘golden years’ will creep up on you much faster than you can imagine, and the earlier you start making those wise moves, the more golden those years can be.

One more thing I should note here is that in a day or so, I’ll post a notice in this space, and on Facebook and Twitter, about another important progressive event that will occur here in Casa Grande once each month, at least through the cooler months of the year. The first meeting of the Pinal County chapter of Death Penalty Alternatives for Arizona will convene at 7:00 p.m. next Monday, February 18, at the clubhouse at Val Vista RV Park, 16680 W. Val Vista Blvd. Watch for my posts a couple of days or so before each monthly meeting.

Join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Meanwhile, send out your positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Friday Peace Vigil, Youngstown, OH, and surrounding area:

Friday, February 15, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.)

Ray Nakley (330-506-1999) and Ron Dull (330-518-9881) will hold their weekly Peace Vigil this Friday, February 15, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the corner of Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.), Youngstown, OH. They invite anyone who is interested in showing their support for ending conflict in the world to join them. Hold out positive thoughts for that!


Reports from Youngstown indicate these Friday afternoon vigils are well attended by people standing for peace and many other social causes, and there’s plenty of room for more. If you want to make a public statement to end war, poverty, and/or any other of numerous social ills, feel free to join this group, with or without your own sign to share your thoughts about social justice with the world.

Meanwhile, join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday Peace Vigil, Casa Grande, AZ, and surrounding area:

Friday, February 8, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
E. Cottonwood Ln. & N. Trekell Rd.

Tony Fasline (520-426-0070) will hold his weekly Peace Vigil this Friday, February 8, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the corner of E. Cottonwood Ln. & N. Trekell Rd. in Casa Grande, AZ. Tony invites anyone who is interested in showing their support for ending conflict in the world to join him. Hold out positive thoughts for that!


This week:

Well, it’s been another interesting week. I’ve accomplished more steps in everything but my writing, which is bound to happen at this time of year, with so many financial issues to get sorted out from one year to the next. This situation might continue through the rest of the month, but soon will come the time when I can finally concentrate more of my time on my favorite activity: using my writing to share my dreams of a world in which everyone is treated fairly!

Join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Meanwhile, send out your positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Friday Peace Vigil, Youngstown, OH, and surrounding area:

Friday, February 8, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.)

Ray Nakley (330-506-1999) and Ron Dull (330-518-9881) will hold their weekly Peace Vigil this Friday, February 8, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the corner of Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.), Youngstown, OH. They invite anyone who is interested in showing their support for ending conflict in the world to join them. Hold out positive thoughts for that!


Reports from Youngstown indicate these Friday afternoon vigils are well attended by people standing for peace and many other social causes, and there’s plenty of room for more. If you want to make a public statement to end war, poverty, and/or any other of numerous social ills, feel free to join this group, with or without your own sign to share your thoughts about social justice with the world.

Meanwhile, join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Friday Peace Vigil, Casa Grande, AZ, and surrounding area:

Friday, February 1, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
E. Florence Blvd. & N. Trekell Rd.

Tony Fasline (520-426-0070) will hold his weekly Peace Vigil this Friday, February 1, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the corner of E. Florence Blvd. & N. Trekell Rd. in Casa Grande, AZ. Tony invites anyone who is interested in showing their support for ending conflict in the world to join him. Hold out positive thoughts for that!


This week:

Though I haven’t done all I’d hoped this week, I did manage to accomplish a couple of tasks that move us a couple of small steps closer to getting this place organized. Baby steps, actually. Certainly not the giant leaps I keep on dreaming about.

The task is going to be long and complicated, but I just keep reminding myself that Rome wasn’t built in a day. In fact, it took us 45 years to collect all this junk. And since I was married before, I brought a few years worth of clutter into the union all by myself. I do hope it won’t take us that long to dispose of so much stuff in the ‘greenest’ possible manner. I doubt either of us is really going to live that long. Besides, we’ve got better things to do than worry about a lot of increasingly useless ‘things.’

Join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Meanwhile, send out your positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Friday Peace Vigil, Youngstown, OH, and surrounding area:

Friday, February 1, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.)

Ray Nakley (330-506-1999) and Ron Dull (330-518-9881) will hold their weekly Peace Vigil this Friday, February 1, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the corner of Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.), Youngstown, OH. They invite anyone who is interested in showing their support for ending conflict in the world to join them. Hold out positive thoughts for that!


Reports from Youngstown indicate these Friday afternoon vigils are well attended by people standing for peace and many other social causes, and there’s plenty of room for more. If you want to make a public statement to end war, poverty, and/or any other of numerous social ills, feel free to join this group, with or without your own sign to share your thoughts about social justice with the world.

Meanwhile, join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Announcing brand new website header with beautiful peace doves:

For a long time most people who logged onto my website could not see the lovely animated header that was supposed to greet them. Even worse, the menu at the top of each page was obscured and anyone who wanted to navigate the site had to scroll down to the bottom of each page to use the menu in the footer.

Instead of two beautiful flying doves, three small black rectangles would appear in the center of the larger blank header field. Then after a minute or two, the entire field would suddenly be filled by a large black rectangle.

After doing some research, my website designer informed me that the software she’d used for the animation had bugs and could no longer work with many popular computer systems, including mine. This week, she redesigned a static banner in which she reproduced the beautiful doves that represent the overarching theme of my work.

Now I am delighted to announce that the new header is up on my website and proudly displayed for all to see. Just go to the home page at:

This beautiful new banner is giving me renewed inspiration to post occasional new articles on this blog while I spend more of my time concentrating on the first draft of my next book, Two Worlds. The novel will dramatize many of the principles discussed in my essay collection, The World I Imagine: A creative manual for ending poverty and building peace.

Meanwhile, I hope these beautiful peace doves will also inspire you to use whatever talents and skills, gifts and blessings, you enjoy to help make this a world without poverty and war, a world in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Friday Peace Vigil, Casa Grande, AZ, and surrounding area:

Friday, January 25, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
E. Florence Blvd. & N. Cameron St.

Tony Fasline (520-426-0070) will hold his weekly Peace Vigil this Friday, January 25, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the corner of E. Florence Blvd. & N. Cameron St. in Casa Grande, AZ. Tony invites anyone who is interested in showing their support for ending conflict in the world to join him. Hold out positive thoughts for that!


This week:

Another interesting week, though mostly taken up with personal tasks rather than writing, as I really would prefer. I have managed to compose some few words as part of three different projects, but I’m looking forward to being able to concentrate fully on one; then the second; and finally the great big third, my ongoing novel, Two Worlds.

My favorite part of the week was watching Barack Obama being sworn in for his second term, a direct result of the justified backlash from the GOP campaign to make the first African-American in the highest office in the land a "one-term president." I’m proud to say that Jim and I played our small part in that victory.

And to those bitter Republicans who now claim that President Obama is trying to ‘annihilate’ their party, I say why bother? Ideological conservatives are doing more than enough to destroy their own political organization from within! I’m old enough to know how sad that is.

Until 1980, I often had trouble choosing between candidates put forth by each of the major parties for both national and local offices. I’ve shared this idea before, but I must say it again: I would have been happy if Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter could have served as co-presidents--for two complete terms, at least. Both had much to offer, and they were both part of that generation of politician who knew how to work together to compromise and accomplish great things.

I’m looking forward to the time when the mostly younger moderate Republicans gain more influence within their party and start to ease the power structure back toward the center. I’m keeping my eye on several of those talented pols. They could be part of a future in which we can all share in the hope and move social progress steadily forward.

Join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Meanwhile, send out your positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Friday Peace Vigil, Youngstown, OH, and surrounding area:

Friday, January 25, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.)

Ray Nakley (330-506-1999) and Ron Dull (330-518-9881) will hold their weekly Peace Vigil this Friday, January 25, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the corner of Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.), Youngstown, OH. They invite anyone who is interested in showing their support for ending conflict in the world to join them. Hold out positive thoughts for that!


Reports from Youngstown indicate these Friday afternoon vigils are well attended by people standing for peace and many other social causes, and there’s plenty of room for more. If you want to make a public statement to end war, poverty, and/or any other of numerous social ills, feel free to join this group, with or without your own sign to share your thoughts about social justice with the world.

Meanwhile, join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Friday Peace Vigil, Casa Grande, AZ, and surrounding area:

Friday, January 18, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
E. Florence Blvd. & N. Olive Ave.

Tony Fasline (520-426-0070) will hold his weekly Peace Vigil this Friday, January 18, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the corner of E. Florence Blvd. & N. Olive Ave. in Casa Grande, AZ. Tony invites anyone who is interested in showing their support for ending conflict in the world to join him. Hold out positive thoughts for that!


This week:

I’m delighted to report that I’m now working on the fourth chapter of my novel, Two Worlds, a dramatization of many the principles discussed in my essay collection, The World I Imagine: A creative manual for ending poverty and building peace. Interestingly, the idea for this novel first came to me in 1991, more than a decade before I started writing articles about the principles I planned to introduce in the story. When this book is finally ready for release, the companion set will be available to generate discussions among readers of creative ideas to end poverty and war and build a society based on prosperity and peace.

Join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Meanwhile, send out your positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Friday Peace Vigil, Youngstown, OH, and surrounding area:

Friday, January 18, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.)

Ray Nakley (330-506-1999) and Ron Dull (330-518-9881) will hold their weekly Peace Vigil this Friday, January 18, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the corner of Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.), Youngstown, OH. They invite anyone who is interested in showing their support for ending conflict in the world to join them. Hold out positive thoughts for that!



Reports from Youngstown indicate these Friday afternoon vigils are well attended by people standing for peace and many other social causes, and there’s plenty of room for more. If you want to make a public statement to end war, poverty, and/or any other of numerous social ills, feel free to join this group, with or without your own sign to share your thoughts about social justice with the world.

Meanwhile, join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Friday Peace Vigil, Casa Grande, AZ, and surrounding area:

Friday, January 11, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
N. Pinal Ave. & W. Florence Blvd.

Tony Fasline (520-426-0070) will hold his weekly Peace Vigil this Friday, January 11, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the corner of N. Pinal Ave. & W. Florence Blvd. in Casa Grande, AZ. Tony invites anyone who is interested in showing their support for ending conflict in the world to join him. Hold out positive thoughts for that!


This week:

I try to post these weekly vigil notices by midday each Thursday, but today I’m way behind because of a combination of a longer than normal To-Do List and impending weather. The list is within my control, but I decided to take care of certain things before the weekend weather arrives and it’ll be harder for me to tackle those things. As for the weather, even though we live in the relatively warm southern Arizona desert, what passes for the dead of winter around here is still too much for me!

Meteorologists predict a hard freeze over the next few days, with lows in the 20s, so I’m trying to make sure I don’t have to do anything that takes too much physical or mental effort. In fact, if I could make like a bear and hibernate, I’d be doing it. But life doesn’t work that way. But the forecast indicates that things should begin to slowly warm beginning by midweek. So, maybe by next Thursday, I’ll be a little more active and interesting. And I might even get this notice posted in a more timely manner!

Join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Meanwhile, send out your positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Friday Peace Vigil, Youngstown, OH, and surrounding area:

Friday, January 11, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.)

Ray Nakley (330-506-1999) and Ron Dull (330-518-9881) will hold their weekly Peace Vigil this Friday, January 11, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the corner of Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.), Youngstown, OH. They invite anyone who is interested in showing their support for ending conflict in the world to join them. Hold out positive thoughts for that!



Reports from Youngstown indicate these Friday afternoon vigils are well attended by people standing for peace and many other social causes, and there’s plenty of room for more. If you want to make a public statement to end war, poverty, and/or any other of numerous social ills, feel free to join this group, with or without your own sign to share your thoughts about social justice with the world.

Meanwhile, join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Friday Peace Vigil, Casa Grande, AZ, and surrounding area:

Friday, January 4, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
N. Pinal Ave. & W. McMurray Blvd.

Tony Fasline (520-426-0070) will hold his weekly Peace Vigil this Friday, January 4, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the corner of N. Pinal Ave. & W. McMurray Blvd. in Casa Grande, AZ. Tony invites anyone who is interested in showing their support for ending conflict in the world to join him. Hold out positive thoughts for that!


This week:


Tony reports for the last vigil of 2012 he was joined by three people, 1 man and 2 women. I’ve promised him that as soon as the weather starts to warm up, Jim and I will also come out to stand for the dream of living in a world without poverty and war. We hope that by this spring, the local group will be so strong that several people will be able to continue the vigils at least through late spring. We need that kind of dedication, since Tony, the backbone and heart of our local peace movement, will be leaving in mid-spring for his summer sojourn in the great Yankee state of Ohio.

Even though cold triggers my dreams of long winter hibernation, I’ve managed to reach my immediate goal of sewing enough robes to keep me bundled up and relatively warm, even in the coldest corners of this old house! Next, I’ll finish organizing my files, so when the IRS completes the forms to reflect the latest reprieve from the ‘fiscal cliff,’ I’ll be able to finish my taxes within a few days. Once that’s done, I’ll see what’s next on the list. I hope to squeeze in some of my own writing soon. Hold that hope for me too!

Join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Meanwhile, send out your positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!

Friday Peace Vigil, Youngstown, OH, and surrounding area:

Friday, January 4, 2013
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.)

Ray Nakley (330-506-1999) and Ron Dull (330-518-9881) will hold their weekly Peace Vigil this Friday, January 4, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the corner of Downtown on the Square (Federal Plaza E. & Wick Ave.), Youngstown, OH. They invite anyone who is interested in showing their support for ending conflict in the world to join them. Hold out positive thoughts for that!



Reports from Youngstown indicate these Friday afternoon vigils are well attended by people standing for peace and many other social causes, and there’s plenty of room for more. If you want to make a public statement to end war, poverty, and/or any other of numerous social ills, feel free to join this group, with or without your own sign to share your thoughts about social justice with the world.

Meanwhile, join me in a vow to use our blessings, skills, and talents to build a society without poverty or war in which everyone is able to enjoy at least the basic benefits of prosperity and peace.

Positive thoughts and, for those who are believers, prayers for all the suffering souls all around the world!